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PerSo Film Festival is one of the projects created and followed by the Foundation La Città del Sole Onlus in collaboration with Associazione RealMente APS.
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Thursday, September 28 - 7PM
Indigo art gallery
Via Guglielmo Oberdan, 51

Via Guglielmo Oberdan, 51
September 28 - November 25
Tuesday through Saturday from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m.

P.P. Pasolini

Between February and March 1958, while preparing to shoot her debut documentary, Ignoti alla città (Unknown to the City), Cecilia Mangini met Pier Paolo Pasolini and photographed him around the Monteverde Nuovo neighborhood and the neighboring Donna Olimpia suburb in Rome. From that sixteen-shot shoot Cecilia selects, on contact specimens, seven images. Only one photograph will be used for the purpose for which she had made them: the article dedicated to Pasolini in her column "Their First Success," for the popular weekly Rotosei. The others will remain unpublished for nearly sixty years, and today they are all shown together for the first time. They tell us the story of an encounter between the first woman in Italy who had the courage to sit behind a camera, and a brilliant and generous intellectual, who would shortly thereafter give the young future documentary filmmaker the commentary for her first short film and then two more, Stendalì, suonano ancora (1960) and La canta delle marane (1961), sealing a cultural and human partnership that the images of that first meeting already hinted at.

Cecilia Mangini

Cecilia Mangini

Cecilia Mangini (Mola di Bari, 1927- Roma, 2021) cineasta, documentarista e fotografa, da sempre attenta ai temi della marginalità, del lavoro, dell’immigrazione e delle ingiustizie sociali. Autrice di lungometraggi e oltre 40 cortometraggi, in parte insieme al marito Lino Del Fra, esplora l’Italia dalla fine degli anni cinquanta fino ai primi anni settanta, spesso volgendo lo sguardo al Sud, alla Puglia e al Salento, per cercare i rituali di una cultura antica che va scomparendo. Nel 2009 riceve la Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica quale riconoscimento al suo lavoro.

PPP Sete Scatti


Curated by Claudio Domini e Paolo Pisanelli
Exhibition design Francesco Maggiore
Graphic design and production Big Sur
Audio and video installations Paolo Pisanelli, Matteo Gherardini
Conception and realization ErrataCorrige, Big Sur, OfficinaVisioni, Associazione Cinema del reale, in collaboration with Archivio Cecilia e Lino - Cineteca di Bologna

PPP Sette Scatti


Thursday, September 28 - 7PM
Paolo Pisanelli and Francesco Maggiore will meet the audience.

Short films by Cecilia Mangini, COMMENTARY WRITTEN BY Pier Paolo Pasolini

Thursday, September 28 - 5.30PM

MANU Museo Archeologico Nazionale
Piazza Giordano Bruno, 1

Ignoti alla città Italia, 1958, 11’

The life of a group of Roman suburban boys amid quarrels, carefreeness, resignation and cynicism.
Children forced to grow up too fast and teenagers who make a living through thefts and robberies; some work at the market for a few liras, others rummage through garbage dumps in the hope of finding something good. It is an unconventional, stark look that intends to counter the stereotypical image of Italy of post-war reconstruction, of the consumer boom of the 1960s. The film captures the harsh reality of young people living on the outskirts of the city of Rome, in hideous concrete barracks, lost in the desolate countryside of the far suburbs.

Stendalì, suonano ancora Italia, 1960, 11′

One of the last examples of the very ancient funeral lamentation rite that still survived, at the time, in this southern strip of Apulia.
The film reconstructs one of the last examples of the very ancient funeral lamentation rite that still survived, at the time, in this southern strip of Apulia.
"Someone has died. The ringing of the bells announces it: neighbors come to console mothers, brides or sisters and mourn with them. It is the funeral visitation."
The text of the lamentations, sung in Salento dialect by the women, is interpreted in the film by actress Lilla Brignone: "it is an antidote capable of relieving the lack and emptiness of death. Popular south-people poetry to be cared for and cherished."
"The rèpute or prefiche, women who perform the lamentations, articulate the song and structured its internal tension with particular movements of the body, the head, the hands that flutter, according to particular cadences, white handkerchiefs."

La canta delle marane Italia, 1961,11’

Inspired by Ragazzi di vita, stories of boys from the Roman suburbs who meet in the summer in the marane, among games, fights and forbidden dives.
Documentary about the city suburbs, inspired by the novel Ragazzi di vita. Stories of boys from the Roman suburbs of the 1960s, who gather to spend the torrid moments of summer in the marrana and spend moments of joy and vacation, friendships and beatings, diving and games, with an escape when the guards finally arrive (bathing was forbidden in the marrana).

PPP the opening to the world Italy, 2022, 18′
by Paolo Pisanelli

Cecilia narrates Pier Paolo Pasolini's opening to the world in a video made especially for the exhibition project.