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PerSo Film Festival is one of the projects created and followed by the Foundation La Città del Sole Onlus in collaboration with Associazione RealMente APS.
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Friday, October 29
Rector's Office, University of Perugia
University Square, 1

Friday, October 29 - ECOVISIONI

Review of environmentally themed short films curated by the PerSo Film Festival

17.00 - Rector's Office - Palazzo Murena

Icemeltland Park
By Liliana Colombo,
Italy, UK, 2020, 40 min

Don't know where to go on vacation? Or where to go on your honeymoon? Come to Icemeltland Park, you won't regret it! An original and humorous reflection on climate change and the distorted gaze of mass tourism.


By Nicholas Chin e Ernest Zacharevic
Indonesia, 2019, 4 min

At a forest restoration site on the edge of the Leuser ecosystem in Indonesia, the story runs in reverse, sending back the deforestation clock to undo the damage caused by the unsustainable production of one of the world's most versatile products: wood.

Pez Volador
by Nayra Sanz Fuentes
Spain, 2022, 13 min

For centuries and in different cultures, the flying fish has been understood as a symbol of pursuit, freedom and improvement because of its ability to move as much in the water as in the air. In the film it is taken as a symbol and metaphorical guide for an observational journey into the underwater world, showing us the indelible traces of humanity's growing impact on the ecosystem.

Água Nas Guelras (Water in the gills)
by Marco Schiavon
Portugal, 2021, 24 min

In the early 1990s, at the age of 12, Franz moved from a large German city to Faial, a small island in the Atlantic Ocean. Here Franz found his calling in the practice of freediving and a pattern of living deeply in touch with nature. Winner of the PerSo Short Jail 2022 award.
Go to the film fact sheet

The Invention of the Other


Intervention by Prof. Carlo Albanese, biologist.

The movie “The invention of the other“ is scheduled for Tuesday, October 3, 9PM, at Cinema Zenith.


22.00 - Rector's Office - Aula Magna

by E. Arbugaeva and M. Arbugaev
United Kingdom, 2002, 25 min

An account of the consequences of global warming in the Arctic and a tribute to the dogged dedication of scientists working in these lands. Winner of the PerSo Short Award 2022 and Oscar nominated in 2023.

Go to the film fact sheet