About us

PerSo – Perugia Social Film Festival is a project by Associazione RealMente in collaboration with ONLUS Non-profit Foundation La città del sole

RealMente was born in September 2016 to promote culture and social solidarity through the planning and realization of events and activities in close collaboration with the Third Sector, designing new and innovative forms of action and communication for the creation of a Community competent.
The main activity to date has been the one linked to cinema and audiovisuals, with the participation in the organization of the last 3 editions of the PerSo Film Festival and of the last 3 editions of the Visions of the Royal review – Journey in a World that we do not want to see (in collaboration with Monimbò Bottega del Mondo social cooperative society). Also, in the field of cinema, the project the seventh hour is being implemented, with the contribution of MIUR-MIBAC “Cinema for the School – Good Practices. Reviews and Festival”.
This year RealMente, in agreement with the Città del Sole Foundation, will for the first time be the principal organizer of PerSo. Coming out of the cinema, RealMente has recently given life to Stazione Panzana, the “narrow gauge” radio, whose editorial staff consists mostly of boys followed by Mental Health Services. Onda Brigante is the title of the first program aired.
Dulcis in fundo, the headquarters of PerSo will be Numero Zero, a socio-cultural circle with catering with 50% of the workforce made up of people followed by Mental Health Services. Pending the official opening scheduled for the end of October, Numero Zero will be the place where guests will meet, eat together, build and compare ideas and projects. It is the subject that, in 2014, developed the PerSo project – Perugia Social Film Festival.


La Città del Sole has been active since 1998 in the field of mental health. In particular, through the PRISMA Project (Research-Mental Health Intervention Program and Autonomy) and the Daytime Outdoor Center, the Foundation realizes innovative life projects customized for serious and medium-serious psychiatric users, identifying, strengthening and / or building networks of “normal” situations of residency, employment, free time, vacation in which the actors involved find quality answers to their needs. Each of the PRISMA users, among other things, lives in a house of their own along with people with a housing need, mostly non-resident students, to whom the Foundation provides free accommodation and condominium fees in exchange of coexistence with the user.
